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【心灵之约】Warning Signs

来源: 时间:2015-05-06 点击量:






    Warning signs are specific behaviors that could indicate someone may be thinking about suicide. Recognizing warning signs is an important first step in being able to help your friend. The more warning signs you see, the more likely it is that your friend may be thinking about suicide.

    People may give direct as well as indirect verbal cues about their suicidal thoughts. These typically communicate feelings of being trapped, helpless, and hopeless. Direct verbal cues are clear statements expressing suicidal thoughts, such as "I'm thinking about killing myself," while indirect verbal cues serve more as hints that a student is thinking about suicide. These can be statements like "Things will be better when I'm gone," "The pain will never stop unless I do something," or "I want to go to sleep and never wake up." Students may express these verbal cues on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. No matter which medium your friend uses to express these verbal cues, they should always be taken seriously.

Warning signs include:

    Feelings or statements of hopelessness

    Rage, anger, seeking revenge

    Feeling trapped

    Increased alcohol or other drug use

    Withdrawal from others

    Anxiety, agitation, or sleep problems

    Dramatic mood changes

    Feelings or statements that reflect not having a reason to live or a sense of purpose

    Threatening to hurt or kill themselves

    Looking for ways to kill themselves; seeking access to pills, weapons or other means

    Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide (If it is out of the ordinary)

    If you notice these warning signs in your student/friend, it is very important that you ask them directly if they are thinking about suicide.










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