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来源: 时间:2014-02-21 点击量:










STRESS is one of the most common concerns of college students. Stress is defined as external pressure that affects you physically and emotionally. A moderate amount of stress can create a positive influence for you in that stress may motivate you to be active and productive. Such things as deadlines and competitions ideally help to push you to some level of success. TOO MUCH STRESS, however, can result in depression and anger, and health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart attacks.


As a college student, you encounter many stressors such as leaving home; living with roommates; having your values about drinking, sex and social issues tested; handling different types of personal problems; and, achieving academically.





In order to manage your stress better, try some of the following strategies: Become aware of what your stressors are, as well as what your emotional and physical responses are to these stressors. Then, try to reduce the intensity of your reactions. Try to keep your situation in proper perspective.


Learn how to relax. You cannot be tense and relaxed at the same time.


Learn to be assertive with others.


Manage your time effectively.


Build your physical reserves by exercising, eating properly, getting enough sleep, and taking time to relax.


Maintain your emotional reserves by nurturing your social network, participating in recreational activities, changing your routine from time to time, and by developing realistic goals for yourself.


(资料来源: 美国马里兰大学心理咨询中心)



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